Health maintenance and disease prevention through specific correction

Chiropractic is an independent discipline. It specializes in the diagnosis, correction and prevention of interferences of the nervous system which can influence the entire musculoskeletal apparatus, sensation and all organs. Interference (so-called Subluxations) may present as local and / or radiating pain, dysfunction of the organs or as restricted movement.

The purpose of Chiropractic is to free the nervous system of interferences. These nerve interferences called subluxation are effectively and safely corrected by a variety of techniques. Chiropractic does not work symptomatically but fixes the cause which is caused by spinal misalignment.

Chiropractic applies specific adjustments to subluxations to correct spinal alignment and thus can provide a significant alleviation of discomfort and / or pain.

And most important: Chiropractic works causative not symptomatically.


Brief History | Chiropractic studies

Hippocrates already knew the principles of chiropractic but it was not until 1895 that the Canadian DD Palmer developed a scientific system of Chiropractic. He founded a course of studies which has been continuously enhanced up to the present day.

Today chiropractic is the third largest health profession in the world (general medicine being the largest and dentistry the second largest). Since 1895 it is known to be a non-invasive method helping people aimed of any age and constitution: babies, toddlers, teens, adults, seniors, athletes. It takes - depending on the country - 4 to 6 years to study Chiropractic. It is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and concludes with an internship at a university clinic and a Master of Chiropractic (MChiro, MscChiro) or Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree.


The 12 principles of chiropractic

1. Our body is a self-healing, self-regulating organism.

2. The nervous systems is the major control organ of our self-healing, self-regulating body.

3. When the nervous system is disturbed in its function, the body is therefore no longer able to heal itself or to properly self-regulate.

4. The nervous system can be disturbed in its function by physical, toxic and mental-emotional stressors.

5. When these stressors manifest in a malaligned vertebra and this vertebra pinches the spinal cord or spinal nerves, we call it a subluxation.

6. The consequences of a subluxated vertebral column is a body that cannot function optimally. Therefore it will become weak, vulnerable and prone to illness.

7. As the nervous system controls everything in our body, subluxations  can not only cause problems in our spine but also in the periphery and organs.

8. The main goal of Chiropractic is to find subluxations and correct them specifically.

9. This chiropractic treatment is called adjustment.

10. The Adjustment enables the body to properly heal itself and regulate itself.

11. The body knows best how and if to react to the correcting impulses of the adjustment.

12. Healing is a process which depends on many factors of which most are out of chiropractor's control.
